At K9 Fitness Works, we know how important it is to keep your dog healthy and active. We’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 Dog Fitness Questions to help guide you in maintaining your dog’s physical health, mobility, and overall well-being. Whether your dog is recovering from an injury, building strength, or improving body awareness, we’ve got you covered with answers from our expert trainers and therapists.

Over the next 10 weeks, we will release one detailed answer to each of the Top 10 Dog Fitness Questions on a weekly basis. Each post will include expert insights, helpful tips, and a video tutorial to guide you in maintaining and improving your dog’s fitness. Be sure to check back each week for new updates!

3. How can I keep my dog engaged and support recovery when they are on limited exercise due to an injury?

Transcript from the video:

Dog fitness. Question number three from you and your dog. My dog is recovering from an injury. I can’t do any exercise. Okay, here’s the rehab in me. I want you to think of like when we injure ourselves, do we do nothing and sit on the couch all day because we’ve injured ourselves? No, we still get up and move around.

There are some exercises that can be done gently, depending on the injury. Some core work can be done, or some other limb work can be done depending on what they’ve done. It’s a case by case basis, depending on what the injury is, what the dog breed is, what their activity is, I definitely would recommend you contact a dog fitness trainer like myself or in your area,

and we can come together and create a plan for your dog. One a dog has an injury, they’re gonna lose muscle mass, and when they start to lose muscle mass, then they get weaker. And we don’t want them to get more injured. We want them to injure their other leg. So there’s other things that we can do that we can gently help keep the strength in the other limbs and a little bit of strength in the other legs depending on where they’ve injured themself and what happened.

You know, if you’re talking about just a cut, you know, there’s, we can put a boot on their foot so we can still do some gentle work. So again, it’s a case by case basis. It really depends on the dog and the injury. And I recommend reaching out either to your veterinarian or a dog rehab or, or a dog fitness trainer as a certified vet tech and a dog fitness trainer.

With all my clients. If I feel like they’re in pain or they need more help, I refer ’em to Yvette. You know, there’s certain things that I can do, but sometimes they need a little extra help. So that’s one of the things about me, because I have all the medical knowledge, is that sometimes I have to say, look,

you, you need to go see somebody to help this. You need to go see a veterinarian or a pain specialist or an orthopedic specialist. We always try to prevent as much pain as we can in our dogs. And again, there’s a lot that can be done, but it’s more on a case to case basis. And there’s gentle, she’s still playing with the puzzle toys from the last question.

There’s a lot of things that can be done for gentle exercise to help keep your dog strong so that they don’t lose it. I will say with my training, I had always learned that once they lose muscle mass, it’s not coming back. And I’ve recently learned that is not true. So I use a tool called laser photobiomodulation. So it’s using Light therapy to help heal,

and that can help increase the myo fibers in the muscle to help bring muscle back along with exercises. So again, if your dog is recovering from an injury, there’s a lot that you can do while they’re recovering. And mind games are also another one, which is also, they’re using some of their core with that. So reach out to your professional,

your health professional, and feel free to reach out to me and we’ll get you guys figured out and get you right on your way back to your best life. All right.